Favoring Evolution:
Chew on This: debate on disappearing wisdom teeth (CT, 25 Apr. 04)
Fossil Reveals: new... amphibian...300 million yrs old. (CT, 10 Nov. 04)
Dancing to Evolution: ...traits... genetic proliferation. (Time, 17 Jan. 05)
Dinosaur Discovery: Missing link / meat & plant eaters (CST, 5 May 05)
Gardens Grow: chemical & genetic steps found (CT, 26 May 2005)
Philip Tobias: doyen/ South African palaeoanthropol. (CT, 29 May 05)
Don't Worry Bedbugs: Bond /Humans and Insects (CST, 30 May 05)
Intelligent Design: no place in science classes (CST, 8 June 2005)
U. of C. Reports Revolution in Evolution Theory (CST, 8 June 05)
Tetrapods to Land: 397 million yrs ago...earlier (CT, 7 Jan 10)
Against Evolution:
Darwin's Theory Evolves into Culture War (CT, 22 May 05)
Law Professor Philip Johnson: Make Scientists Think (CT, 27 May 05)
Faith and Science (Letter, page 22) (CT, 4 June 05)